I am excited to invite all of you to our next Live Virtual Presentation.
“Advanced Primary Care: What is it? Why is it foundational? How do you get it?” Will be hosted by Dr. David Claud and Colleen McMahon. This presentation will focus on Advanced Primary Care and the important role that it will play in the future of healthcare.
For background on the topic, follow this link from a recent SHRM article regarding Advanced Primary Care:
Additional Resources:
Implementing High Quality Primary Care: Rebuilding the Foundation of Health Care
Achieving Value through Advanced Primary Care
Advancing Primary Care: A Playbook for Action
Employer Health Plan Common Purchasing Agreement for Advanced Primary Care
Click on the link to view the recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/OBi-f9cRITmqbZ0NMJX-OX4TMTbI2QJpQd3_K0XQeJQjEkzPmME6McLHZ1awwlY.hGue9odstzvoPOaW Passcode: 38M*QEV1
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