The program will be held in the Embassy Room on the 4th floor.
Register by email [email protected] or by calling 217-221-3460
Cost: TSHCC members – free; Non-members – $50 (includes breakfast & lunch)
Whether you are self-insured or fully-funded, the changes which are occurring in Prescription Pharmacy medications are significantly impacting your health insurance costs and premiums, and is expected to continue over the next 5-years. Benefit experts and Healthcare analysis predict these costs could quadruple by 2020. For the average employer, about 51% of their spend on specialty drugs is for cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. New specialty drugs, for other diagnosis are in the pipeline as well. Employers should know about this emerging trend and what they can do to better manage these costs.
Click here to see the Program agenda, and to read the speaker biographies.
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