I wanted to take this opportunity to invite all of you to our next virtual presentation. On June 17, at 11am we will have Ross McNeill from SwiftMD joining us live to discuss their innovative and efficient telehealth solutions.
SwiftMD is an organization that specializes in streamlined telehealth solutions that focus on both quality and efficiency – a formula that drives a very high utilization rate within their platform.
Access to an easy, fast, and quality telehealth network can limit unnecessary visits to the ER and urgent care – which can significantly reduce a company’s healthcare spend. We hope that you will tune in to learn more about how SwiftMD is helping employers save money by achieving high telehealth utilization. We hope to see you all there!
Please see below for the link to the live presentation.
Topic: SwiftMD/EHC – Telehealth Presentation
Time: Jun 10, 2021 10:48 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Click on the link to view the recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/G9f9F7AWULBpRIT0A986A- ivEKp6U6sDyckkb5tEiA3i5fLI4h700JVSWZpRS5-2.k2sdLQQUz1zSG0fs Passcode: fL^PPW8$
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